Wednesday 9 January 2013


Bel class again. Assalamualaikum to all the readers. In our class today we learn  about“ Fact or Opinion”. We have learn about this topic before this. So, I think that topic will not give us any problem to me. In this learning session, we need  to identify the statement whether it fact or opinion.  Miss Zu make a games that contain about fact and opinion. In that games, Miss Zu asked us to guest that the statement is Fact or Opinion.  after that miss Zu make another games. In this games we need to be a salesman because there have certain item that she give to us to promote the that item and the others have to guest from the promotion, is that Fact or Opinion. After the group finish present their product, the others classmates need  to guest the statement that fact or opinion. We played the games until the end of this class. We really our class today. I think that all for today. Assalamualaikum.

1 comment:

  1. i have look your blog from 2012 until 2013.. it's a long time right? haha.. your blog is not so interesting. can you put some picture in your entry or anything else to make it interesting? i hope you will appreciate my advices. :)
